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One dead, 60 injured after ‘magic carpet’ ride at Guangxi tourist spot Detian Waterfall malfunctions

A tourist was killed and dozens others injured on Saturday (Aug 10) following an accident at a popular tourist spot in China’s Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region.
The incident occurred after the “magic carpet” ride – used to ferry visitors up a mountain for scenic views of Detian Waterfall – malfunctioned. 
Detian Waterfall is a large transnational waterfall on the border between China and Vietnam.
The ride, resembling a human conveyor belt, helps travellers ascend the steep mountain more quickly. Riders must remain seated and are enclosed by what appears to be a transparent panel on both sides. 
According to a statement on the attraction’s Weibo account, the “equipment failure” resulted in the death of one tourist.
A total of 60 others were injured – one sustained serious injuries while 59 others had minor injuries. 
Although the statement did not elaborate on the nature of the accident, a Xiaohongshu user said passengers were thrown backwards and collided with one another. 
“Many people suffered fractures and there was blood everywhere,” the user “jojo” said on the social media platform. 
According to a report by the Global Times, a witness who was on the ride said the conveyor belt was transporting people upwards when it suddenly stopped and started sliding down, causing people to collide and pile up. 
The safety panels on both sides were also broken, she added. 
Another witness who was on the ride said that her mobile phone was flung away due to the rapid descent and that she sustained numerous abrasions on her body, according to a report on Beijing News.
The management of the attraction expressed its “deepest condolences” on the death and also apologised to those injured and their families. 
Local authorities have established an emergency response team to provide treatment, investigate the cause of the accident and offer assistance to those affected. 
Findings will be released in due course, said the statement. 
The attraction has been shuttered for maintenance and equipment inspection. 
